Our Gift to You!
Continuing June's Free Gift for Immediate Download!
God... The Great Communicator
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This book empowers the reader to recognize that God communicates with people worldwide. As a matter of fact God is a Communicator by nature, His nature. To believe in the Bible, one has to recognize and receive that the entire biblical narrative came as a direct result of God communicating with people…
Join Us and our Foundational Partner
Sundays & Thursdays!
God’s Goal for you is to Grow you and Empower you in your Personal Relationship with Him. Empowering you to Fulfill your Kingdom Purpose! Maximizing your Eternal Reward!
Join Us via WebEx Video Conference …
(Via Laptop, Tablet/iPad or Smart Phone)
Subject: God is Preparing Mankind to Leave the Earth
Sunday - 10:30AM (Eastern)
Thursday - 7:00PM (Eastern)
*** Please be Advised the theses Sessions are by Invitation via Link and/or Meeting Number. The Links and Meeting Numbers Will Change Every Week ***
**Please also be advised that there may be a delay in the start of these Sessions. We ask for your patience, while waiting. Also, please note, that Services may be preempted at the leading of the Lord. All Services and Events are subject to the Leading of Holy Spirit.**
Join Us and Our Foundational Partner
Kevin Alexander Ministries via Instagram LIVE!
Monday - Friday 11:00 AM (Eastern Time)
A Walk with God is a podcast designed to be a Training Tool to empower people around the world to build a Personal Relationship with True and Living God. Emphasis will be on the non-religious Nature of God and how He influences everything. We need to know who He is to understand who we are and to understand His Global and Eternal Plan for mankind. This podcast is a continual Training in Empowering you to Know God.
***Please also be advised that there may be a delay in the start of the IG LIVE Services. We ask for your patience, while waiting. Also, please note, that these Services may be preempted at the leading of the Lord. All KAM Services and Events are subject to the Leading of Holy Spirit.***
Join Us Sundays (Temporarily Suspended)
Sunday Morning LIVE
Via Instagram Live – 10:30 AM (Eastern Time)
Join Us Thursdays (Temporarily Suspended)
Thursday Night LIVES
Via Instagram Live – 7:00 PM (Eastern Time)
For Easy Access... Click Here to Follow
**Please be advised that there may be a delay in the start of our Services. We ask for your patience, while waiting. Also, please note, that Services may be preempted at the leading of the Lord. All Services and Events are subject to the Leading of Holy Spirit.**
OUR LOCATION: Lake Mary, Florida
Kingdom of God Network
Thy Kingdom Come
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We celebrate the Victory that we have, and that God has manifested! We begin Eternity! We know that after 1,000 years, satan is loosed for a season. We know that we have the Victory! Ther
Thy Kingdom Come
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We celebrate the Victory that we have, and that God has manifested! We begin Eternity! We know that after 1,000 years, satan is loosed for a season. We know that we have the Victory! There is no doubt! There is no sickness! There is no depression! There are no physical ailments! Strength is the norm!
We begin to understand that we helped the Lord to win this Victory. Some of us have died physically to be martyrs, others have died to themselves to be Spiritual Martyrs, but we realize that we gave our lives to see this manifested. Now begins the Eternal Celebration of God!
We are Continuing February's Free Gift Download!
Loving God Back: Two Hearts are Always Better Together... Forever
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We have not been told that The True and Living God wants a Love Relationship with you.
For this rea
We are Continuing February's Free Gift Download!
Loving God Back: Two Hearts are Always Better Together... Forever
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We have not been told that The True and Living God wants a Love Relationship with you.
For this reason He is giving you a FREE eBook to teach you to respond to His offer of Love.
We no longer have to look for Love in all the wrong places but to realize that He is Love.
Our Strategic Partner, End-Time Harvesters Publishing and Productions, is a Business and Ministry designed to provide products; Books, Movies, TV Programs, Videos, Clothing and whatever would help to enhance people’s Relationship with the Lord. We recognize that we are at an important juncture in God's Prophetic Clock.
Our goal is to provi
Our Strategic Partner, End-Time Harvesters Publishing and Productions, is a Business and Ministry designed to provide products; Books, Movies, TV Programs, Videos, Clothing and whatever would help to enhance people’s Relationship with the Lord. We recognize that we are at an important juncture in God's Prophetic Clock.
Our goal is to provide resources which will enhance your Relationship with the Lord and to maximize your “Eternal Reward.”
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It Will Change Your Life
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SoundCloud - KOGNetwork
Kingdom of God Network
Thank you for your interest in the G3 Giveaway! We have modified our Giveaway and are now offering the four eBooks with a 50% Discount. The Giveaway was viable for one full year and many people took advantage of it. However, the Lord is directing us to provide the eBooks at a 50% Discount moving forward. We thank you for your interest.
Thank you for your interest in the G3 Giveaway! We have modified our Giveaway and are now offering the four eBooks with a 50% Discount. The Giveaway was viable for one full year and many people took advantage of it. However, the Lord is directing us to provide the eBooks at a 50% Discount moving forward. We thank you for your interest.
This is God's Gift to you! We are excited to fulfill the Lord’s mandate to build a Global Army of Believers that wield His Power and Authority. God wants you to be familiar with His “Spiritual Assets”. Please accept these gifts and the Lord will commence a new Relationship with you and grow you to reach the Measure of the Stature of Christ’s Fullness (Ephesians 4). He was the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily. It is only through deception that we have not understood this. This has always been the Father’s goal for you. These books inspire “Hope” based upon “Divine Truth”.
*No Donation Required but Appreciated*
This is God's Gift to you.
"The Truth About Revival in Central Florida" - A 4 Part Series
If you are an Intercessor, we invite you to join our Kingdom Global Intercessory Group. You can receive Kingdom Global Intercessory Training.
We are excited for you to join the team of Believ
This is God's Gift to you.
"The Truth About Revival in Central Florida" - A 4 Part Series
If you are an Intercessor, we invite you to join our Kingdom Global Intercessory Group. You can receive Kingdom Global Intercessory Training.
We are excited for you to join the team of Believers who are available to Almighty God to fulfill His Will and manifest His Desire to Move in Central Florida.
Jesus (Yeshua) Is Alive - Live Training - Pre-Training Messages
In order to prepare you for the Live Training, we've provided the following Pre-Training Messages:
From Eternity Past, God has Designed and Prepared an Eternal Plan for you.
You... Have A Date with Destiny.
SuperChannel (WACX) in Orlando, FL
(Check Your Listings)
TV Program Schedule (EST)
"The Coming Move of God"
Previously Aired
• Wednesday, March 2, 2022
• Saturday, March 12, 2022
• Sunday, March 13
• Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Hear what God is saying to Global Leaders about their Leadership and the World...
Part 6 in a 6 Part Series
Click Here for the SoundCloud Playlist
Hear what God is saying about our Country, the Political Condition of our Country and the World...
Part 4 in a 6 Part Series
Click Here for the SoundCloud Playlist
What are God Themes?
God Themes are the result of seeking God's Face and Him Speaking in Sayings/Things that He wants mankind to know.
The teaching on the “Seven Thunders That Uttered Their Voices” prophetically unveils messages that the Lord has kept veiled for His end time people. God has sealed coded messages for the end times but is pouring out of His Spirit to prepare us for the challenges at hand.
The Recorded Sessions are available on YouTube.
*** We’ve also held P
The teaching on the “Seven Thunders That Uttered Their Voices” prophetically unveils messages that the Lord has kept veiled for His end time people. God has sealed coded messages for the end times but is pouring out of His Spirit to prepare us for the challenges at hand.
The Recorded Sessions are available on YouTube.
*** We’ve also held Pre-Series Preparation Sessions to prepare you for this "Landmark" Teaching. Those Recorded Sessions are also available on YouTube. View Playlist
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